383 Vandervoort St, North Tonawanda
(716) 695-8520 x6420 (Front Desk)
(716) 695-8520 x5510 (Supervisor)
Email: mbernas@northtonawanda.org

Soccer Goalie Camp
Program Information
Here at the NT Rec Dept, we believe that at the core of every successful soccer team is a confident and prepared goalkeeper. We will provide each participant with an environment that exposes them to new ideas; challenging them to think the role of a goalkeeper and allow them to make their own decisions with guidance.
The purpose of our camp is to aid our goalkeepers in reaching their maximum potential as a player.
Our program will provide goalkeeping instruction for all ability levels ranging from introductory sessions to a high-paced training environment. Each of our camps will focus on the technical development of the player through scenario-based learning.
Shin guards and cleats are highly recommended. The NT Rec Dept can assist you in acquiring these if you like. Just email Michelle at mbernas@northtonawanda.org
Dates & Times
Goals & Objectives
The main objectives of the our camp is based upon providing a positive and fun atmosphere for youth athletes to learn and improve on the fundamentals of soccer goalkeeping in an environment that emphasizes teamwork and sportsmanship.
This will be accomplished by:
Coaching with positive reinforcement and an emphasis on building confidence.
Teaching the fundamentals of soccer goalkeeping in a fun and positive manner.
Encouraging competitiveness without sacrificing sportsmanship or teamwork
Creating skills & drills that make learning the game fun and interacive.

Bella Hooley
Raygen Manzare

Former NTHS varsity soccer standouts

Camp Staff