383 Vandervoort St, North Tonawanda
(716) 695-8520 x6420 (Front Desk)
(716) 695-8520 x5510 (Supervisor)
Email: mbernas@northtonawanda.org

Program Information
We offer a wide array of sports leagues and clinics throughout the year. Coaches are all staff of our department and have gone through our background check process and are first-aid/CPR certified.
Goals of all leagues/clinics are simple:
Participants learn the game
Participants improve their skills, abilities and confidence
Participants have fun
Participants understand the importance of teamwork
Notice winning isn't on the goals list? Though we foster a competitive atmosphere winning is not the primary or even secondary focus for our coaches and league. Our leagues are recreational in nature, and are seen as an opportunity for participants to get their feet wet trying a new sport, developing their skills and interest in that sport, and providing a foundation for future development at the school level for competitive sports.
Player Placement
We do not honor requests for friends to be placed on the same team. Only siblings will be guaranteed same team placement. This policy exists because we simply can't honor the high volume of player placement requests while also ensuring teams are competitively balanced.